Fantasy Tattoos Ideas

Fantasy tattoos may signify a connection or fascination the wearer feels with mystical worlds; it may also show a curious twist on sensuality, as most of the figures depicted are unearthly; however, they are frequently shaped in what is considered the ideal of earthly beauty.
One of the more timeworn fantasy tattoos feature over the top versions of warriors; curvaceous women and muscular men, scantily clad, but prepared for battle. These exaggerated figures are usually fictional creatures such as elves and fairies, and are set in a dreamlike forest scene, or waiting in front of a medieval castle.
However, fantasy tattoos have a plethora of imagery to choose from. Wizards and fairies are two of the most common images in this genre. The face of a wizard looming over an ancient city, or a small fairy lounging in a starlit garden are two interesting ideas. Another idea is using multiple fantasy images to create a scene. Using a large area of the body, such as the back, you could invent an intricate hamlet with centaurs roaming the streets, dragons flying through the air; mermaids in the ocean and elves dancing in the forests.
Another great figure for fantasy tattoos is the genie. Some of the most popular images of genies come for �The Arabian Nights� stories. Most genies are seen as strong, dark figures with menacing grins. They are often shown pressing themselves out of a lamp. Other versions, though, depict a more peaceful or even good humored genie. These are often done in light hues of blue, lavender or mint green, and may be seen with crossed legs in mid-air; either with an exultant smile, or in peaceful meditation.
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